Sunday, February 17, 2013

Its a New Year!

Clan Morrison Academy

Its a new year here at Clan Morrison Academy. I decided to go with Lifepac curriculum this year because it is a little more structured than we have previously done and I think we need that for now. I manged to get all I need for the year for half of what I had budgeted! I am excited.

Conor will be starting this year as well. Im going to put him on ABC Mouse. A learning website that tracks progress. He seems to like to work on the computer so I think this will be a great tool for him to learn on.

Emma and I will take time reading and working on the iPad. She's already very smart and picks up things easily so Im looking forward to working with her.

All in all I think it will be a good year. Im also looking forward to taking lots of field trips. We joined a homeschool group and I think that will also enrich our year.

Heres to the new school year!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Why arent you socializing?

Socialization:  a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position.

As a homeschool mom one of the biggest questions I face is, what do you do for socialization? I find this to be a funny question. As if my kids somehow cant be normal because they don't spend all day with kids or even kids their own ages. Lots of people think that we are isolated at home all day with no contact to the outside world except what they are "allowed" to see via internet and t.v. Not the case. I love getting out with the kids. When people ask me this question I think inside," Go to your local school and look at the behavior you see and then ask yourself which behavior you want your kids emulating?" Please do not misunderstand me. I realize not every kid is bad and not all schools are bad.

So asking a homeschool mom where her kids get "socialized" is insulting. Where is a better place to learn identity, norms, values, behavior and social skills other than at home? My oldest is 11 and I think hes acquired a nice identity. Hes learned the values that I think he should be learning, and he has great behavior. My other two are learning things the same way that he did and are coming along quite well. I dont believe that sitting all day in a classroom would make them better. Thats not to say that those that send their kids to public school are doing anything wrong. I just love having the kids home. I love being able to see them learn and grow every day. I love being able to take field trips whenever I want. I think back to when Jordan was in school and how much I missed him throughout the day and how glad I was when he had a vacation.

That being said I have been trying to find a homeschool group here in Tulsa.  All the ones I have come across were either too far away or only met at night. I would like for my kids to be able to make friends and for me to be able to meet other moms who face the same issues I do while homeschooling the kids. Homeschooling isnt easy, if it was everyone would do it. I get criticized, looked down upon, and even told Im stunting my kids. Not everyday is easy and sometimes I wonder what the heck Im doing. But I believe that God has led me to this position. I also believe that He will get me through each day.

Recently I managed to get together with a lady on facebook, she started a facebook homeschool page. We've been talking back and forth about starting a weekly meeting somewhere in Tulsa. I talked to a local library and secured a meeting room. I'm really hoping that this turns out to be a great thing. The meetings will be every Friday from 1-3. It will be nice to get out of the house and start meeting new people. I absolutely cant stand to be cooped up in the house. It will be great to be able to plan field trips with other families. To have parties for Halloween and Christmas. Maybe even have prom and graduation. Or as the rest of the world would put it "to socialize" our kids. I am excited about this new venture. I am excited to meet new moms and to have our kids meet new kids. So here goes into a new journey.