Monday, July 9, 2012

New School Year 2012

Its the beginning of the new school here at Clan Morrison Homeschool. Ive decided that year round schooling would be better because I think kids lost too much having almost 3 months off. We took June off but now its time to get back on track.

This year Ive added a kindergarten "curriculum" for Conor. Im using the Letter of the Week curriculum. Its very easy and it doesnt take very long to get through, which is great for one who wont sit still for any great length of time.

 I have been trying to eliminate tv and video games so much during the day I decided to make a sand box on the porch for Conor and Emma to play in. It was cheap and he loves it. I also put up a dry erase board at their level to write on while Jordan and I are working.

The first day went off without a hitch. Heres to hoping the rest of the year follows suit.