Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 10

I realized yesterday that I haven't posted here in awhile and I thought I would give a short update.

We're 10 weeks into school and things are going okay. We've been doing math, language arts, and science. Math has been a challenge to say the least. Jordan gets this bummed look his face when he doesn't get it right away. He does good in English and we're doing human anatomy for science which has been a learning experience for both of us. I have all the stuff for history except the teaching guide so we've been watching history documentaries instead. I'm hoping to have the teachers guide by the end of the month. We've also been learning the states.

All in all things are going pretty good. I was nervous at first about trying to do school with a toddler and a baby around but so far its not too bad. Conor plays with his trains and occasionally is interested in coloring or reading. Emma also plays around us and usually takes a mid-morning nap.

I'm trying to stay optimistic about things. Ive just been trying to take it one day at time. I don't plan to far ahead as things change. There have been days where we don't get anything done. I'm hoping to start Conor on some sort of kindergarten program next year. Ideally I would like to continue homeschooling but only time will tell. In the mean time I will try to update as much as possible.