Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Winding Down

Its been awhile since I last posted here so here whats been going on. I started a blog about a month ago called Field Trip Fridays in Oklahoma. Ill be taking the kids on weekly field trips and then telling people about where we went and giving a little history about the place we went to.

Jordan is doing good in school. We're winding down the year with plans to end June 1st. We're taking a month off and starting back in July. Im looking forward to the month off. I have lots of plans set for that month.

Ive already made the plans for the curriculum. I allowed Jordan to choose which history and science this year and he chose world geography and culture from LifePac and LifePac science of plants, animals, electricity and weather. We'll also have math, english, spelling, Oklahoma history and all the documentaries we can handle. I also have plans to read several books. Im thinking we may do a science fiction theme with our books this year.

All in all Im looking forward to the "new" year. This year we'll have a "real" history and science curriculum and Im really excited about it. Thats all for now. Ill try to keep up with this more.